What is a 6 6 6 Golf Tournament?

Unraveling the Mystery of the 6-6-6 Golf Tournament: A Unique and Exciting Format

When it comes to golf tournaments, there's no shortage of formats to keep players engaged and entertained. One such format that has been gaining popularity in recent years is the 6-6-6 golf tournament. This unique format combines elements of various golf games, offering a refreshing change for seasoned golfers and a welcoming challenge for newcomers. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at what a 6-6-6 golf tournament is, how it's played, and why you should consider participating in one.

What is a 6-6-6 Golf Tournament?

The 6-6-6 golf tournament is a fun, team-based competition that features a mix of three different golf formats, with each format played for six holes. The three formats typically featured in a 6-6-6 tournament are:

1) Best Ball (also known as Four-Ball)


3) Alternate Shot (also known as Foursomes)

The tournament is typically played in teams of two or four players, depending on the specific event. Each team will play six holes using each of the different formats, making for an 18-hole round.

How to Play a 6-6-6 Golf Tournament:

Best Ball: During the first six holes, the 6-6-6 tournament kicks off with the Best Ball format. In this format, each player on the team plays their own ball throughout the hole. At the end of each hole, the team records the lowest score among all its players as the team score for that hole.

Scramble: The next six holes are played in a Scramble format. In this format, all team members tee off, and the team selects the best shot from their tee shots. From that spot, all players play their next shot, and the process repeats until the ball is in the hole. The team records a single score for each hole, representing the combined effort of the team.

Alternate Shot: The final six holes of the 6-6-6 tournament are played in an Alternate Shot format. In this format, team members take turns playing shots. One player tees off, and their partner plays the next shot, and so on until the ball is in the hole. The team alternates who tees off on each hole, and the team records a single score for each hole.

Why You Should Consider Participating in a 6-6-6 Golf Tournament:

Variety: The 6-6-6 format keeps the game interesting by constantly switching between different formats. This variety keeps players engaged and provides a fun and challenging way to test your golf skills.

Teamwork: The team-based nature of the 6-6-6 tournament encourages camaraderie and collaboration among players. It's an excellent opportunity to bond with friends or make new connections on the course.

Accessibility: The 6-6-6 format is suitable for players of all skill levels, as the various formats balance out the playing field. This makes it a great option for golfers who may not excel at one format but thrive in others.


The 6-6-6 golf tournament is an exciting and engaging way to experience the game of golf. By combining three different formats, it offers a refreshing change of pace and a chance to hone a variety of skills. Whether you're a seasoned golfer or new to the game, the 6-6-6 tournament is an experience worth trying. So, gather your golf buddies, sign up for a local 6-6-6 event, and enjoy a day filled

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